Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blog#4 Web 2.0 Tools

Wow! There are over 60 pages of tools that we have access to that would be considered a “web 2.0” application. These applications are not only for academic purposes; they are there to give people throughout the entire world access to others. These applications give people the ability to share their own ideas, get feedback from their own ideas, listen to other peoples ideas, give them feedback, and learn new and useful information for academic and nonacademic purposes. We were asked to find tools through web 2.0 that could be used in a classroom. We have discussed many tools and have learned about important ones that I agree should be a part of any classroom. Many of the tools we have learned about were for social purposes, but now we are asked to find ones that pertain to classroom activity.

One tool that I stumbled across is called “WePapers” this tool helps assist students and others share and increase their knowledge. You can find papers and documents that you believe will be useful and download them extremely fast. You can then discuss these documents with others, or you can do it for your own benefits. wePapers is a document-sharing website, that is mainly used from college and university students. Anyone can have full acess, though. This also allows users and classes to create virtual communities. wePapers uses Adobe Flash technology to display documents from all major types (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, OpenOffice Documents, etc.) within the web browser, on the wePapers website. wePapers also allows users to use documents on their own web pages, as well as download and print out the documents.

Another tool that I came across while looking up tools on web 2.0 is “GlobalScholar.” This application offers an exclusive online tutoring program. Parents and students can use this site and feel safe in connecting with educators who provide one-on-one tutoring. These tutoring sessions can be about information that students need help with in the classroom, homework, or even self-paced learning. This program can also be used by schools and school districts to allow teachers and administrators to create an effective way to manage and align content, assesments, curriculum, standards and learning to aid educational performance.


  1. Ariel, I think you found a great web 2.0 tool! The online tutoring session, "globalscholar" seems like a great tool. This can be used in both the classroom and in a general setting.

  2. I really like the idea of GlobalScholar, I will definitely check that out. It's great that both students and educators (teachers and administrators) can use the same webtools

  3. I really like the idea of GlobalScholar as a Web 2.0 tool. It's a great tool for students who may be stuck on a homeworks assignment and or studying for a quiz.
