Friday, February 12, 2010

Blog#6 Social Networking

Social networking can be an effective tool to professional development. We social network everyday; even if we do not realize we are creating a social network. It is a great way to communicate with teachers from everywhere, get first-hand tips and share your ideas to enhance the learning experience in today's classroom. Social networking started when I was in 6th grade starting with “AIM.” In my opinion, and i am sure the opinion of my peers, as young kids, the more friends we had the “cooler” we were. I would go around school asking people what their screen names were and I would go on for the majority of time after school until I went to bed. The downfall of this tool became apparent when people were able to create false identities. I remember when I was in 8th grade, someone created a screen name pretending to be me. They were talking to numerous amounts of people pretending to be me, when it wasn’t me at all. It was scary and definitely a learning experience.

Face book, twitter, and Wikispaces are three tools I not only would use but do use for social networking.

Facebook ( is a social network I use more than 5 times a day. it is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. we can add friends, send anyone messages, update our personal information (I am very cautious about what I write because I know anyone can view it) Along with these availabilities, we can create invitations and exclusively send them to whomever we desire, and best of all, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, and school or college. The website is used as such a powerful social network that there are over 400 million current users worldwide.

Twitter ( I used to have a twitter last year. It became too overwhelming for me so I deleted mine. I guess since we have to become a user for class purposes, I will use it to its fullest advantage. Twitter is a free social networking service that allows users to send and read messages. AKA tweets. They are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on a users profile page. They are then delivered to the authors subscribers who are known as followers. We are allowed to restrict delivery to whomever we choose. It seems to be an easy way for others to “stalk” other people, when if you look deeper into it, it does connect people to others and allows for good social networking. I learned that a lot of educators use Twitter to connect and meet each other.

Wikispaces ( is a hosting service that is made easy for everyone; not just technical users. It is a place where you can create a wiki, and mainly focuses on community collaboration. It is offered and available exclusively for k-12 educational use. It is available worldwide for teachers, students, and educators. We can input projects, add links, and personalize it any way we want.


  1. Ariel, your story about the false identities is pretty unsettling. Is AIM instant messaging? I had IM set up on my computer for a short time. Then once I was in the middle of demonstrating software to a law firm for work. Unbeknownst to me I was connected to their wireless network and right in the middle of the presentation my sister popped onto IM and asked me how my day was going. “Fine,” I said, “I’m in the middle of a demo and your message is being projected on a screen for 10 people to see. Say hello to the nice people!” LOL!

  2. I really like what you said about the Wikispaces, I think it's something I definitely want to incorporate in my classroom!

  3. Ariel, I also wrote about Facebook in my blog. Although many people view Facebook as a negative social-networking site because of the addiction many students have towards, I agree with you that its limits are endless. There are so many different ways to connect with someone through Facebook. In addition, I think that Facebook is managed and controlled in way to prevent what happened to you in 8th grade using AIM.

  4. I agree, as I have stated publicly in the past, that social networking can be a scary tool to introduce to young students. I, too, had my aim hacked onto when I was 11. I was so embarrassed and upset. I plan on presenting a powerpoint on "Digital Citizenship" to my future students, making them aware of the dangers, as well as informing them of the reprimands that they can face if they violate another user (hacking, harassment).
    I did extensive research on Digital Citizenship and posted the information on my Blog, in case you are interested in learning more.

  5. Ariel, I can completely relate to your story about AIM. I used to be exactly like that when i was your age too. And now that my sister is in middle school, she is exactly the same way. I use facebook everyday, to a point where it seems a bit overwhelming (just like you felt with the twitter). That is why i was so against having one on my own till this class started. I already spend so much time on facebook, I dont know what i would do with another social networking site.
